Posted Feb 1, 2015
In 2015 Northwest WIsconsin Champions (NWC) will offer High School or Middle School Team Speed-Agility-Quickness (SAQ) Training Sessions. NWC will come to your outdoor facility or gym to train your athletes using the latest techniques, drills and progressions that will help improve their linear and lateral speed.Teams can schedule 4 or 8 week, two or three times a week training sessions. NWC will consider special pricing for a team (based on the number of atheletes that sign up within a team's program).
- Minimum Athletes per session: 10
- Maximum Athletes per session: 20
Sessions will cost $5.00 per session, per athlete. Teams can setup times and days for their trainings based on NWC Trainers availabilty. Be the first to sign up to secure your spot!
Call 715 456-7789 for details!